Buy Coffee. Give Water.

K-Cup Sample Pack

Discover convenience without compromise with our KCup Sample Pack!

Each KCup Sample Pack include 6 total boxes of Serve Hope’s delicious KCups with 12 KCups in each box- 3 boxes of Serve Hope’s House Blend Honduras and 3 boxes of Serve Hope’s Single Origin Antigua Antigua. 72 KCups total per Sample Pack.

Even better, each KCup sample pack provides a new water filter to a family in Central America which will provide up to 1,000,000 gallons of clean water!

Each water filter is delivered by Serve Hope’s team of local pastors, and each family is visited 3 more times after receiving their water filter for Gospel conversations and to make sure their water filter is working perfectly.


Regular price
USD 87.00
Sale price
USD 87.00
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Serve Hope's Bold Honduras is grown with the utmost care and craftsmanship. Each day the dedicated coffee growers must make their way up to their high elevation coffee fields. Throughout the harvest season they will go over each coffee plant picking only the cherries that are perfectly ripe.

This coffee is washed and patio dried for Serve Hope in Honduras.

They will de-pulp the day's harvest to maintain perfect freshness.

Varietal: Icatu

Elevation: 1700 Meters

Process: Fully Washed

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Serve Hope's Bold Honduras is grown with the utmost care and craftsmanship. Each day the dedicated coffee growers must make their way up to their high elevation coffee fields. Throughout the harvest season they will go over each coffee plant picking only the cherries that are perfectly ripe.

This coffee is washed and patio dried for Serve Hope in Honduras.

They will de-pulp the day's harvest to maintain perfect freshness.

Varietal: Icatu

Elevation: 1700 Meters

Process: Fully Washed

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Serve Hope's Bold Honduras is grown with the utmost care and craftsmanship. Each day the dedicated coffee growers must make their way up to their high elevation coffee fields. Throughout the harvest season they will go over each coffee plant picking only the cherries that are perfectly ripe.

This coffee is washed and patio dried for Serve Hope in Honduras.

They will de-pulp the day's harvest to maintain perfect freshness.

Varietal: Icatu

Elevation: 1700 Meters

Process: Fully Washed

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